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Can You Work in Nightlife Places?

Can You Work in Nightlife Places?

Can You Work in Nightlife Places?-alhikmah

What happens to people who work in nightclubs?

Islam teaches us to seek sustenance in good ways and sources. When talking about methods and sources, of course, this cannot be separated from where and how we can get the income.

Rasulullah SAW said in a hadith qudsi narrated by Imam at-Thabrani,

Meaning: "From Ibn Abbas Radhiyallahu Anhuma, he said: recite this verse next to the Messenger of Allah: 'O all mankind eat by you some of the sustenance that is on earth that is lawful and good." (H.R. Thabrani)

Nowadays, many entertainment venues have sprung up which are lively at night. The entertainment venues in question are like discotheques and several other places.

However, does Islam allow a Muslim to work in these nightclubs?

The answer to this question needs to be detailed. If the nightclub sells liquor, performs sensual dances and arouses lust, then the law is forbidden.

This is also based on the hadith of Rasulullah SAW which states that all people who are involved in buying and selling liquor, then the law is unlawful.

Meaning: "Allah SWT has cursed khamar and cursed the drinker, the one who pours it, the extortionist, the one who asks to be squeezed, the seller, the buyer, the carrier, who is brought to him, and the eater of the result." (H.R. Ahmad).

Income earned from working in this place is considered illegal and cannot be given as charity, because something that is initially illegal, then the result of that something will not get anything. This explanation is contained in the book Ahkamul Fuqoha

وفى نفس الكتاب أجرة العمل الذي يتعلق بالمعصية حرام والتصدق به منها لا يجوز ولايصح إهـ

Meaning: "In the editorial of the book, a person's wages from work related to immoral matters are considered unlawful. It is not permissible to give in charity and it is considered illegal.”

If it is illegal, what will happen to the workers?

But, what is the solution to the problem? Many people depend on this kind of work for their life.

From the hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad above, it is concluded that all work related to haram matters is not permissible.

In the fiqh law, the scholars agree that something that is forbidden to use, then it is also forbidden to produce it.

ما حرم استعماله حرم اتخاذه

Meaning: "Something that is forbidden to use, it is also forbidden to make it"

Imam Abu Hanifah allows with a note...

Imam Abu Hanifah is different in this matter. According to him, the manufacture and production of khamr is permissible if it is intended for non-Muslims.

His opinion at the same time provides leeway for workers who earn a living from places that sell or trade something that is forbidden, because many employees and workers, such as security and cleaning services, depend on that place.

With a note, they don't drink alcohol and don't do prostitution. If you only work as a guard, of course it is permissible.

However, as devout Muslims, we are more encouraged to avoid and look for places that are more appropriate than these places. Wallahu khairul Raziqin



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