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Understanding the Meaning of Worship, These are the Four Cores of All Worship

Understanding the Meaning of Worship, These are the Four Cores of All Worship

Understanding the Meaning of Worship, These are the Four Cores of All Worship-alhikmah

Humans were created by Allah SWT to worship Him. Worship here is not only in the form of rituals, but also social. Islam obliges its adherents to carry out ritual worship, such as the five daily prayers, fasting, zakat, pilgrimage, and so on, but at the same time it also asks humans to perform social worship, such as helping others, protecting the environment, and so on.

Therefore, as a Muslim, these two things must be balanced. It cannot only be limited to performing ritual worship, but ignoring social worship. Vice versa, don't just focus on social worship, but forget about ritual worship.

The essence of worship is actually submission to Allah SWT in any case. Syekh Nawawi al-Banteni in Nashahihul 'Ibad explains that there are four important elements in worship. Those four things are:

God bless you, God bless you

"All existing worship contains four elements of servitude, namely: fulfilling promises, keeping the boundaries of legal provisions, being patient with something that is lost, being pleased with all existing conditions."

According to Sheikh Nawawi al-Banteni, the essence of worship is at least four, the first is fulfilling promises. When we become Muslims, we are bound by a promise to obey and believe in Allah SWT. The promise must be fulfilled by doing God's commands and leaving his prohibitions.

Therefore, the next core of worship is to maintain the boundaries of legal provisions. Religion has given boundaries which are prohibited and which are permitted. We must not go out or cross that boundary. Obey every existing rule.

Third, be patient with lost elders. Every human being will surely be overwritten by loss. At least lose one family member. Moreover, every creature of God will surely die. Nothing is eternal. Therefore, when afflicted by a disaster, especially loss, we must be willing to accept it.

Fourth, ridha of all existing conditions. We are encouraged to try as much as possible. But we also have to remember, the results of the effort may not necessarily materialize. Some people try, even to no avail at all. When we are in a situation like this: we have tried, but have not succeeded, remember that all of that has been determined by God and we must be content with what God has ordained.



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