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What is the law on sterilizing cats in Islam? Read more in the following article

What is the law on sterilizing cats in Islam? Read more in the following article!

What is the law on sterilizing cats in Islam? Read more in the following article-alhikmah

The increase in animal populations in large numbers is a separate problem for humans, especially animals such as cats and dogs, which are small animals that can transmit and carry diseases that can cause zoonoses. This is one of the reasons for some groups to control the population of domestic animals such as cats and dogs.

One of the efforts made is by neutering the animal. In the medical world, castration of animals for certain purposes is commonly referred to as sterilization. Sterilization can be done by removing the uterus and ovaries in female animals or removing the testicles and spermatic cord in male animals. So how does Islam view the practice of castration or sterilization of animals such as cats or dogs for certain purposes?

The Law of Origin of Sterile Animals in Islam

The legal origin of castration or sterilization of animals is unlawful. This prohibition is due to the fact that it contains elements of torture (ta'dzib) and can give traces, influences and/or impacts (ta'tsir) that can change the origin of its creation. This prohibition is based on the word of God in QS. Annisa' verse 119:

وَلَاٰمُرَنَّهُمْ فَلَيُغَيِّرُنَّ خَلْقَ اللّٰهِ ۗ

"And (Satan) told them to (change Allah's creation) until they really changed it."

Imam At-Tabari in his commentary explains that some commentators argue that the meaning of the verse is to change God's creation in the form of animals by castrating them (Tafsir At-Tabari: 7/494)

In the study of Fiqh, the scholars of the four schools of thought have different views on the law of castration of animals. Scholars from the Maliki school of thought and some of the Hanbali school of thought are of the opinion that castration of animals is something that is disallowed because it contains elements of torture and has the potential to damage (Darul Ifta' Palestine, No. Fatwa: 914).

Whereas the Syafi'i scholars limit the permissibility of castrating animals only to animals that are lawful for consumption for the purpose of obtaining good quality meat, and even then with the condition that it must be done when the animal is still small (Related to the quality of the meat obtained after castration, this needs to be reviewed again in relation to veterinary medicine). Other than that, it's illegal. This is in accordance with the opinion of Imam al-Baghawi and al-Rafi' which was explained by Imam Nawawi in Majmu' Syarh al-Muhaddzab (6/177).

Animal Sterilization Is Permissible If There Are Benefits

Hanafi scholars argue that animal sterilization is permissible if there are benefits or avoids real harm. Ali bin Abi Bakr bin Abdul Jalil al-Farghani al-Marghinani, a scholar from the Hanafi school of thought, is of the opinion that animal sterilization is permissible because it contains benefits for humans and the animals themselves (Al-Hidayah fi Syarh Bidayah al-Mubtadi: 4/380) .

The ability to castrate animals that are not lawful for consumption is based on a hadith narrated by Sayyidah 'Aisyah about the Prophet who sacrificed two sheep that were circumcised/castrated (Sunan Ibnu Majah: 2/1043. Hadith No. 3122)

It means, "From Aisyah, or from Abu Hurairah RA. Rasulullah SAW when he wanted to sacrifice, bought two sheep that were big and fat, horned, and had been neutered. ko

The meaning of the word "maujuaini" in the hadith above is two sheep that have been circumcised or castrated. This hadith is used as the basis for the permissibility of castrating sheep because it contains benefits to improve the quality of the meat. The ability to castrate other animals to gain benefit and/or avoid harm is based on the ability to castrate the sheep (Darul Ifta' Palestine, No. Fatwa: 914).

Cats Can Be Sterilized

Burhanuddin Mahmud al-Hanafi stated specifically about the permissibility of castrating cats. He argues that castration on cats is permissible if there are benefits in it, or to eliminate harm (Al-Muhith al-Burhani: 5/376).

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that basically, the law of the origin of castrating animals, both animals whose meat is halal to consume such as sheep, or those that are not halal such as cats, is unlawful if it contains elements of torture and/or has the potential to harm the animal. But if the aim is to produce maslahah or eliminate a clear meaning, then this is permissible. (AN)

Wallahu a'lam.


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