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If Religion with Logic

If Religion with Logic

If Religion with Logic-App-alhikmah

There are some people who are principled, if there is an argument that contradicts logic, then logic is still at the forefront. That is the attitude of some glorifiers of reason. Even though the true religion of Islam is not based on logic, Islam adheres to and follows what the proposition says even though it feels contrary to logic.

From 'Ali radhiyallahu 'anhu, he said,

"If religion were with logic, then of course the bottom of the khuf (shoe) is more appropriate to be rubbed than the top. Indeed, I once saw the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam wiping the top of his khuf (his shoes)." (Narrated by Abu Daud no. 162. Ibn Hajar said in Bulughul Marom that this hadith is hasan. Shaykh Al Albani validates this hadith).

Ash Shon'ani Rahimahullah said, "Of course logically it is more appropriate to wipe the bottom of the shoe than the top because it is the bottom that is directly in contact with the ground." But the fact that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam practiced was not like that. See Subulus Salam, 1:239.

Shaykh Muhammad bin Sholih Al 'Utsaimin Rahimahullah said, "Religion is not based on logic. Religion is not based on logic the first time. In fact, a solid argument is built on a brilliant brain. If not, then it is necessary to understand that the valid argument does not contradict smart logic at all. Because in the Qur'an it is stated,

أَفَلَا تَعْقِلُونَ

"Aren't you going to use your wits?" (QS. Al Baqarah: 44).

What contradicts the guidance of the Shari'ah, that is what contradicts sound logic. That's why 'Ali said, if religion was built on logic, then of course the bottom of the shoe would be more appropriate to wipe. But religion is not built on logics. Therefore, anyone who builds his religion on narrow logic is bound to do more harm than good. They don't know yet that in the end it's just damage.” (Fathu Dzil Jalali wal Ikram, 1: 370).

Our teacher, Shaykh Sholeh bin Fauzan bin 'Abdillah Al Fauzan hafizhohullah said, "It can be concluded from the hadith of 'Ali that religion is not based on logic. But religion is based on reason. Truly Allah is very wise in establishing laws and He does not prescribe unless there is wisdom in it." (Tashilul Ilmam, 1: 170).

Shaykh Sholeh bin 'Abdul 'Aziz bin Muhammad Alu Shaykh hafizhohullah said, "Every Muslim should submit to the hadith spoken by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Do not let someone contradict the proposition with logic. If only logic is used, then it cannot become a proposition. Ijtihad with logic is the conclusion of understanding the arguments of the Qur'an and hadith." (Syarh Kitab Ath Thoharoh min Bughil Marom, p. 249).

Some lessons from the hadith above:

  • Religion is not built on logic.
  • If there is conflict between reason and argument, then it is obligatory to put forward the argument. However, in fact, it is absolutely impossible to conflict between valid arguments and good reason.
  • The basis of syar'i law is on the proposition. Because 'Ali also reasoned that what was infiltrated was the khuf (shoes) by the actions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
  • If you look at the textual hadith, both feet are rubbed together, that is, the right hand wipes the right foot and the left hand wipes the left foot.
  • This hadith is a rebuttal to the Rafidhah (read: Syi'ah) because their own priest, 'Ali bin Abi Tholib, whom they consider ma'shum, has different beliefs from them. Because the Shiites do not believe in wiping the khuf (shoes). Whereas 'Ali believed in wiping the khuf and even narrated a hadith about it. But oddly enough, the Shiites think it is not permissible to wipe the khuf, but in the case of washing the feet while doing ablution, they think it is permissible to just wipe the empty feet. How strange!

It is permissible to argue with the actions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

Only Allah gives taufik.



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